
Upper Marlboro, MD


Hey Ya'll Hey! I'm Angi (aka Dr. A) a (w)Holistic Wellness and Empowerment coach. I have 28+ years as a certified Mind & Body Life & Wellness Coach, Certified (AFAA, AAAI-ISMA, Yoga Fit, Black Prana Yoga, and Thomas The Promise Boxing) Fitness & Yoga Instructor as well as a personal trainer. As a doctor of business administration with expertise in innovation and strategy, I love providing unique solutions that are creative, holistic, and specifically designed for women. My passion is in supporting & empowering women to Step Into Their Badassery (aka Super Powers). We do this through the TAE TRIFECTA of Wellness… Activity, Nutrition, & Stress Management.

Dr. A’s passion is supporting and empowering women to identify what they really want from life, so that they can become the women they want and are meant to be, take control of their health, and work to minimize stress. She’s here to introduce to EFC “The Angi Effect” - TAE TRIFECTA of Wellness - Activity, Nutrition, & Stress.

Angi is a big fan of peanut M&Ms (with a good Cali red blend) and is 100% convinced that ALL Dogs go to heaven… especially Pugs!!!


My Upcoming Classes


Quote to live by:

Seasons change and so do I. I speak to myself with grace when times are tough. I know I will grow through anything I go through.

I trust my intuition. I adapt. And I embrace ALL possibilities.

Fun Facts:

  • I was born and raised in Ohio, but have lived in 11 cities/states.

  • I met Michael Jackson!

  • I danced with Ellen DeGeneres as an audience member :)


Monthly Recurring Engage Fitness Collective Membership

There is no commitment. You may cancel at any time.

Once you choose your subscription, and complete payment, you will be directed to sign our waiver.

If you are connected with an instructor other than Angi, please find their page to join.

2023 New Year’s Special - 3 Months for $99



I got the best compliment... someone told me that I looked happy and healthy. Someone else told me I had a glow. Hearing these words made me want to keep getting stronger. It's clear that The Angi Effect is helping me change not only my body, but also my mindset. Thank you, Dr. A. - Hope

Angi has a way of really making you feel 'seen' in her classes... even when you don't realize it's what you need. You will laugh, cry, be mad (those damn planks... oh my!), but have so much fun! I take all her classes! - Sara

Ya'll!!!! Yesterday I zipped up a pair of pants that I haven't been able to fit since I bought them two years ago!! The Angi Effect's classes and programs REALLY WORK!!!! Thank you. -LaTonda



